Thursday, October 29, 2015

Unit Test over Matter and Measurement

Personally, I thought this test was kind of hard. There were many questions that I knew the answer to and were very easy, but there were also a few that I didn't exactly know how to complete or questioned my answer. I didn't pace myself well because I ended up running out of time! The question I ended on I KNEW how to do it, but just didn't have the time to complete it. I am very frustrated with my performance on the test and hoping it doesn't bring my grade down too much. Wish my grade good luck!


  1. I agree 100% with you about the test. While I didn't run out of time to answer the questions, I didn't have the time to review each and every one of them. Also, I messed up my bubble sheet and had to fix it, but I didn't have the time to make 110% sure that I had gotten it straightened out. Good luck to you on your grade!

  2. Ooh that is tough luck Claire. And I agree with Megan that this test was kinda crazy. It was only 32 problems but it took super long to do any of the questions. The last couple questions were easy though. I know for sure that I got at least 15-18 questions right, but I am unsure about the rest. Unfortunately, getting 15 out of 32 is bad... I want to at least get a B on this test. It will be kinda sad if I got C or below... GL with your grade Megan.

  3. I think I was in the same boat for the most part of this test (except the pacing part, I immediately skip anything confusing until the end if I don't know how to do it instantly). Their were certain questions where if you didn't know the conversions, you had to give it an educated guess and hope for the best. This although felt like one of the easier tests that we had because It was less memorization and more applying.

  4. I agree, it was a very confusing test. It was that kind of test that you think you have the right answer, but the answers are in in such a way that you could get the wrong answer and it be one of the options. Very hard.
