Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day two of Aspirin Lab

Set up of Buchner funnel
Pouring contents into funnel
Aspirin crystals in funnel
Today we completed the second part to the experiment which included steps 5 and 7. In step 5, we set up the buchner funnel, placed the filter paper into the funnel, turned on the water to create the vacuum, set the filter paper with distilled water, and poured the crystallized aspirin into the funnel using distilled water to get the crystals out of the beaker. (This video about the set up and procedure will help you through the process ff you don't understand how to set up a buchner funnel or how to set the filter paper) We let this sit for 15 minuets to get out as much water as possible. I enjoyed learning how to set up and use a buchner funnel because I had never done it before. After, we let the crystals sit in the buchner funnel for the allotted amount of time, we took out the product by picking up the filter paper with the aspirin on top of it. We placed this onto the watch glass and transferred it to a lab bench. We put our label next to our filter paper in the section given to our class. It was awesome to see that the amount of product made by my lab partner and I was the most in our class. Hopefully this observation stays true when we actually measure the mass of the substance when it fully dried. I feel extremely accomplished and ecstatic with how this experiment turned out!

5th hour results
My groups product


  1. I think you may have produced the most aspirin in the class. Is there anything that you did specifically that other groups may not (but also not veering from the instructions)? You mentioned that you let it dry for 15 minutes. My group was rushed to finish, so we may not have given it the proper amount of time to dry. Otherwise good job.

  2. Your labels are very confusing I highly recommend that you fix them. I can't figure out what you mean by product, please be more specific next time!

  3. It's great that you included a video, your procedure is a little confusing, and I suggest adding steps, but otherwise your lab was very good!
