Monday, October 19, 2015

Thoughts on the Last Meal Conversion Project

Let me start of by saying that THIS WAS THE BEST PROJECT WE HAVE DONE YET! All we had to do was think of our favorite appetizer, main course, and dessert and find the recipe. Then, we just had to convert all the measurements into the metric system units. It was so easy and took very little time. This project helped me memorize the converted units used in baking/cooking and helped me understand the correlation between our measurement system and the metric measurement system. Overall this project was good not only because of the level of difficultly, but it also was a great segue into the new unit we are about to start.

Some websites that helped me with converting the measurements include
Pinterest (great picture to help with units)
SouthernFood (to check my answers)

1 comment:

  1. Your links are great! They helped me a lot with tweaking my project! Thanks so much!
