Lost in Outer Space: Star Log

Atomic Structure and Radioactivity Unit Project 

Taking a Closer Look at the Chemical Makeup of Solar Bodies in the Universe

Atoms and molecules surround every part of our world. Everywhere from the iron-heavy center of our home (Earth) to the hydrogen loaded stars found in the universe. In this project, I am going to analyze the chemical makeup of major stars by looking at the discrete wavelengths of light that these bodies give off. By looking at these wavelengths, I will be able to determine the element and molecule that is found in that star. This page will be my database that I will keep all my information on about the chemical makeup of 15 stars in our massive universe.

1.The Sun
2. Sirius A (brightest star)
3. Canopus (second brightest star)
4. Spica A Alpha Virginis (brightest star in Virgo constellation)
5. Tau Ceti
6. Pollux
7. Polaris A (North Star)
8. Algol A
9. Epsilon Eridani
10. Vega
11. Rigel
12. Procyon
13. Alpha Centauri A
14. Capella
15. Achernar

Fun Fact:
Virgo, my birth constellation, has 20 stars with known planets, more than any other constellation.

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