Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Radioactive Decay Pre-Test Thoughts...

So, I just finished taking the pre-test for this upcoming unit, and I think I might have gotten around 10 right. I guessed on almost all of the test because we had not learned any of it yet! I was so lost! I knew about 10 questions, so hopefully I got those correct at least. Overall, this test was really hard to take without knowing the information first. This was as expected however. Our teacher does not expect us to know any of the information yet. It was just to get a baseline score.

I think that this unit will be very interesting because of the rock pile (by our school) has a history with radioactivity from the making of the atomic bomb during WWII. It will be exciting to learn what radioactivity actually is and how scientists can use this to our benefit. In additon, learnign the atomic sturctures in atoms will help me later in this class when we have to do more complex math that relates to chemistry. I do expect this unit to be harder than the last one, but I know that if I study well, I will be okay.

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