Monday, September 14, 2015

Final thoughts about Nomenclature

The nomenclature unit was not as hard as I thought and actually turned out to be pretty interesting. Leaning the basics of naming was beneficial because we will be using it for the rest of the year. Polyatomic ions will be found in many of our labs and by memorizing them, we are prepared for these labs. It was hard to start remembering them, but after practice with notecards it got easier.

The Frontier chemistry project was really long and annoying to complete. It was interesting to learn all the uses of plants I can found right outside my door, but trying to put all the information in one place was harder than I thought it would be. I started to get really frustrated with making all the links and pages in the blog. It will help me if I would ever find myself stuck in the wild and need to treat myself, but I honestly did not have a great experience with the project. It took forever to research the active chemical ingredients and all the medicinal uses of the plant. It was overwhelming towards the end. I spent a whole weekend working on research and preparing my blog, which I found to be extremely maddening. Overall, this project was, in theory, very interesting work, but it seemed to be a lot of busy work that doesn't really explain to us what we will learn in chemistry. I felt like the project had little to do with chemistry at all. 

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