Thursday, September 24, 2015

Beanium Lab!

Today we got to do the Beanium lab! First, we had to answer the pre-lab question (we had to read the lab procedure the night before) using the plickers which was very easy. Then we got to go to the back of the room and pick a station. We separated the beans into the different colors and counted the total number of beans in each section. Then we took each group of beans and measured the mass of each "isotope". We then calculated the % abundance and the average mass of the isotopes. After taking in all the information we could, we calculated the average atomic mass of all the isotopes. Pictures of our lab are included below:
My picture

My picture

My picture

My picture

My picture


  1. I like how you included all your information along with pictures of the lab. It allows us to see the different outcomes of different groups Beanium lab results. Your pictures could be useful to help anyone understand how we calculated the % abundance or the average mass.

  2. I like that you had so many pictures of your lab and of the lab packet. Also you summarized what was done in the lab really well.
