Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flame Test Lab

I was unfortunately not present today for this lab, but I was able to find this video on the internet that explains what they did in class today. It looks like it was a very interesting lab! I wish I could have been there for it. In simple terms, they took different metals and placed them in the flame of a bunson burner to see what color they produced. They then compared the color to an unknown metal and used the data they collected to figure out each lights wavelength. Then we calculated energy in jewels/mole.


  1. This was probably my favorite lab we have ever done, I'm sorry that you missed it. Maybe we will end up doing something similar later on. I like the picture you got by the way.

  2. I loved this lab, but I don't know if that's because loved the colors of theflames, or if I perhaps just have a strange fascination with fire. I really liked doing this lab because it was really fun and it was fascinating. I hope we do similar labs in future.
