Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Finding the Mass of the Unknown Acid Lab

Today we finished writing our note card for the unknown acid lab! My partner and I were able to finish a day early because we used our standard from the last lab. Using our data, we did the math to find the molar mass of the substance, which between the two trials averaged about 177 g. I really enjoyed these labs due to the competition to get the best percent error. We were really focused on getting the exact amount of NaOH used. Below is our calculations for the lab and our results. We got around a 1.7 percent error!
Explanation of Lab


  1. Your partner sounds like a really cool guy, he sounds like he did a really good job on the lab as well!

  2. Those are really good results! The lab was really sensitive and we wanted to get the smallest percent error too. It was a tricky one!

  3. Congrats on the great results! Quality calculations too.
