Thursday, February 4, 2016

2nd day of Titration lab

Today we got to run our experiment! We had to move pretty fast because we had to get four trials done total (2 KHP, 2 Vinegar) in one class period. Below are our steps we followed for the day:
  1. Put on googles
  2. Drain burette
  3. Fill with small amount of NaOH and coat the sides of burette
  4. Dump excess NaOH into waste beaker
  5. Fill burette to 0 mL
  6. Measure .4-.6 grams of KHP and record mass
  7. Dump KHP into E. Flask and fill with 100 mL of water and ensure all KHP makes it into the flask
  8. Mix the solution until all the KHP dissolves
  9. Add 2-3 drops of phem.
  10. Tritate solution until it turns light pink. Record the mass of NaOH used
  11. Dump out contents of E. Flask 
  12. Fill flask with 10 mL of vinegar
  13. Add 100 mL of water and 2-3 drops of phem. 
  14. Titrate until pink and Record.
  15. Repeat
We also did our calculations today and explanation on how to do this can be found below.
Unknown Acid Lab video
How to Calculate Molarity in lab

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