Tuesday, February 16, 2016

First Day of Electronic Structure Unit

Today in class we got to read about fireworks and how they function. We learned about the chemistry behind them, what makes them explode, and why they give off different colors. Some interesting facts we learned:
  1.  The explosion of a firework happens in two steps: The aerial shell is shot into the air, and then it explodes into the air. 
    • To propel the shell into the air, the shell is placed sinside a tube called a mortar, whcih is oftben partially buried in sand or dirt. A lifting charge of gunpowder is present blelwo the chell with a fuse attached to it. When ignited, the gunpowder exploded, creating lots of heat and gas that casue a buildup of pressure beneath the shell. When the pressure is great enough, the sheel shoots up into the sky.
    • After a few seconds, another fuse inside the aerial shell, ignites causing the bursting charge to explode. This in turn ignites the black powder and the stars which rapidly produce lots of gas and heat which causes the shells to fly in every direction then burst open sending light into the dark sky.
  2. Colors are formed in two ways: luminescence and incandescence
  3. Colors come from the metal cation which absorb energy from the heat, causing them to become excited. 
  4. Consumer fireworks can have no more than 50 milligrams of gunpowder.
  5. Pyrotechnic chemists work to create different fireworks and increase firework safety.
Very Brief Explanation of Fireworks
A more in depth explanation

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