Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Today's Quiz

I felt so ready for this quiz today. I studied my notes, did practice problems, found quizzes online, and knew my polynomials; however, after taking the test, I am extremely frustrated because I got confused on some of the problems. I knew how to do everything we did in class, yet I still feel like I didn't do well on the quiz. Everyone else thought it was easy which discourages me even more. This class can be very rewarding, but it also can be very frustrating
and annoying. Hopefully my grade on this test isn't as bad as I think it will be.


  1. Don't worry Megan. We all feel the same way you do. That test was unbelievably hard. The only thing that eases my frustration is the fact that the test was only 17 points. :) Even if we do bad, it can't hurt our grade that bad. Let's just pray that the unit test isn't that hard.

  2. Oh, poor, innocent, naïve Varun. Having taken the unit test now, all I feel is sadness. I wish I could feel your same optimism, however now, after barely finishing in time and having to guess on five of the questions without reading them, I know how badly I have done. I'd be blessed to get a C.
