Thursday, November 19, 2015

Overview of Today

Today we covered some small topics and some big topics: symbols of a chemical reaction and double replacement reactions

Symbols: We have to understand and memorize what these symbols mean because it will be important later on in this chapter. We are already using many of them in our work.
Double Replacement Reactions:
In a very broad general sense, double replacement reactions are:
AB(aq) + CD (aq) ----> AD (aq or s) + CB (aq or s)

To figure out if the products are aqueous or solid you use your solubility rules. There are many tricks and acronyms to memorize them which I will include below.

Overall, today was not terribly hard by any means. I just have to memorize all the rules and I will be just fine.

Double Replacement Reactions (website) (video)
Solubility Rules (website) (video)

Quiz yourself
Double Replacement Reactions
Solubility Rules

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