Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Our Biodiesel Video

This week we were working on building a video to promote the use of biodiesel. We started by researching what it was, how it is made, and what the benefits are from using it. Our video had to provide all this information in under a minute. Our final product can be found on youtube if you search "A Better Alternative to Petroleum" or click here. This project was not hard, however, it took a lot of effort and patience to understand the program we were using. Uploading was very tricky, but we were finally able to get it! For website for the video competition, click here.
Two Examples of Biodiesel videos;
Example 1
Example 2

1 comment:

  1. I like the animations in your video! My group also had a bit of trouble with the uploading process, but my partner took care of it, for which I am grateful.
