Thursday, December 10, 2015


Today we started our first out of three days for the Copper (II) Chloride and iron lab. Basically today we polished a nail by rubbing it with steel wool, took its mass, took mass of an empty baby food jar, and filled it with copper chloride and water. Then we stuck the polished nail into the baby food jar. Tomorrow we are supposed to see a change on the nail; my guess is that it is start to change from iron to copper because it is set up like a single replacement reaction. At the end we are supposed to figure out whether the iron had a 2+ or 3+ charge by calculating percent yield. I am excited to see what happens to the nail!

*****side note******
The reason why the title is in all caps is because the directions for the labs were written this way. I felt like I was being screamed at when I was reading them, but I thought it was kind of funny.

For more information on the lab we started today, watch the following video to clarify the steps we took! Enjoy! Lab Explanation

1 comment:

  1. Excellent description of the lab so far, Megan! Also, I found the title to be humorous, for the lab being in all caps was somewhat intimidating. But anyways, I too am excited to see what happens in this experiment!
