White Snakeroot

Eastern Deciduous Forest, Tall Grass Prairie
White Snakeroot
Eupatorium rugosum

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Habitat: Thickets, wood edges under dappled shade. QC to GA; TX to SK.

Seasons: July-October

Active Ingredients:  Aristolochic Acid-C17H11NO7

Parts Used: root and leaves

Use of Specimen: 
  • Stimulant, fever, diarrhea (root tea)
  • Treatment of Snakebites (poultice)
  • smoke of burning herb used to revive unconscious patients 
  • used in sweat baths to cool a patient


Aristolochic acid. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Aristolochic_acid#section=Top 

DeVries, L. (n.d.). Snakeroot. Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://medicinalherbinfo.org/herbs/Snakeroot2.htm

Foster, S., & Duke, J. (2014). A field guide to medicinal plants and herbs of eastern and central North America (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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