Monday, May 9, 2016


Over the weekend, I worked hard to understand how to set up the dimensional analysis for this lab. I started by writing down the things I knew how to convert then tried to connect point A to point B. It ended up being less confusing than I though, but it did take me a while to figure everything. I did a few test trials at home with different sized bags. They were all successful! I felt fairly confident going into the lab today but also a little nervous. Thankfully I was able to pass the lab and move on to studying for the test on Friday!


  1. Congrats! I like that you posted your procedure; it looks really similar to mine. Do you think it was easier getting a larger bag? I got the smallest bag that there was, and we were told that the smaller ones are easier to explode. I suspect it was fairly easy either way as long as your calculations were right and you felt like you could actually trust your own calculations.

  2. Congrats, I saw you on the struggle bus that whole lab. It seemed like the trickiest part for you was measuring all that dang water. Haha. But your bag looked super good. I had a small bag and the ratio of ingredients from mine to yours was mindblowing.

  3. Congrats! It looks like you did a great job. I also found the smaller bags to be more difficult, but that may be just because I have a cast lol.

  4. That actually looks really fun! At least yours succeeded, I heard of other people failing theirs' procedures. I wish I could've done that lab :((

  5. Good job! This lab was so nerve wrecking, I had spent so long doing the math and it was so reliving that I passed. I also found your face very funny when you got that huge bag.
