Black-eyed Susan

Eastern Deciduous Forest, Tall Grass Prairie
Black-eyed Susan 
  Rudbeckia hirta

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 Habitat: Field, roadsides, waste places.

Seasons: June-October

Active Chemicals:Sesquiterpene lactones-C22H30O7 
  • anti-microbial
  • anti-worm
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-bacterial

Parts Used:root

Use of Specimen:
  • Treatment for sores, snakebites, swelling (root tea externally)
  • Treatment of earaches (root juice)
  • Treatment of cold (root infusion)
  • Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant

Procedure:To make a tea, add 5 teaspoons of the dried root to a cup of boiling water and steep for a few minutes then strain the tea to remove the irritating hairs.

Resources: Foster, S., & Duke, J. (2014). A field guide to medicinal plants and herbs of eastern and central North America (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 

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