Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Boat Race

Today we tested our biodiesel boats! Throughout the week we worked on building our boat (S.S. Megan2) and figuring out how to incorporate the motor, making it float, and a spot to put the biodiesel. A few days before my partner and I tested our boat and it went very fast; however, today's runs didn't go so well. We tried going second but realized our motor had a hole in it because it would work. We tried another motor but that too had a hole in it. Finally we found one that worked and did our first run. The time was okay but not as fast as other days. We decided to add bumpers to our boat so it would go straight and not bump into the sides of the gutter. Our second trial went better but still not as fast as our first day. There were many interesting looking boats and I really enjoyed this project! Our class had a wide range of times. Throughout all the classes, we had the fastest and slowest boats of the day.
Example of Boat Races


  1. I really liked your boat design. I was a little surprised at first because I would have thought it would have done a lot better. You guys still did pretty great though. Good job!

  2. Yeah your boat design was very cool. I never thought of carving foam. I probably didn't think of it because it needs too much work. I feel bad about your varying boat speed on different days. I think our boat was faster too at first, but then it got slower on the day of the race.

  3. Great pictures. When I first saw your boat I thought using pool noodle material was really smart. Great design and I see you featured Dylans slowest boat of the day!
