Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mind blown......

Today was an insane day.

After coming from my math class (we were preparing for a hard test), I walked into Chemistry and looked at the smart board. I read the first couple lines and realized that today was going to be very difficult. We learned many lessons one day with some information being easier than others. The hardest part for me was the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division differences between math and chemistry because in Chemistry you have to worry about how many values and decimals you are allowed to have in your answer. With addition and subtraction, you have to look at the fewest amount of numbers behind the decimal; in multiplication and division, you have to look at the smallest number of significant figures. This type of rounding off with take me a little bit of time to get used to, so hopefully I can understand it by Monday!

Other things we learned and websites to help understand it:

Picture Location:


  1. Your information on these blog posts is incredible, I bet these are all very good studying tools. But anyways the links to the websites seems like they would help a lot with basic understanding of significant figures. And yes my brain too is also completely blown.

  2. You summed this sup so well and I like that you had so many links to different websites that seem that they would help a lot. I pretty much described he lesson that day as throwing all of the math I ever knew out of the window, which I didn't like very much.
